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Essential Features of a P2P Crypto Lending Exchange

Blockchain has been taking over the financial markets for the last few years. The crypto market is a prime example of this. Thanks to the countless advantages it offers, blockchain technology is widely accepted and implemented by entrepreneurs with new ideas to explore the market. One such development is P2P lending platforms that allow users to directly interact with each other to lend and borrow money without the presence of middlemen. Considering how complex and time-consuming the traditional lending process is, P2P lending platforms are breath of fresh air. They offer ease of doing business without compromising on security. B u ilding a   P2P crypto lending exchange , however, is cost-intensive if you want to start from scratch. Well-known white label service providers are offering the software to entrepreneurs for a cost-effective price along with expert services to customize the software and create a comprehensive P2P exchange based on the specifications of the owner. Building th

Essential Features of a White Label Crypto Exchange | Antier Solutions

  The global crypto market capitalization surpassed $644 Billion in December 2020. In August 2020, the cryptocurrency trading volumes witnessed a 75% month-over-month increase since February 2018. Impressively, since March 2020, the average daily cryptocurrency trading volumes across the Indian exchanges have witnessed 500% growth. As the trade volumes continue to grow, the demand for   cryptocurrency exchange development   is also growing. However, building a premium crypto exchange right from scratch could be a costly and time-consuming affair. A white label crypto exchange is a turnkey solution to all these challenges. What is white label exchange software? From a busi n ess perspective, a white label crypto exchange is an exchange platform that is ready to launch. With some strategic customizations, the exchange operator can launch a feature-packed and fully-functional cryptocurrency exchange platform in a few days. At a deeper level, it is software packed with standard features an

Three Key Concepts of Crypto Margin Trading Software | Antier Solutions

For the sake of earning a higher potential, crypto traders indulge in cryptocurrency margin trading. Unlike regular trades, margin trading allows traders to open a leveraged position. Basically, traders borrow money from the exchange itself and trade with the capital more than they actually own. Undoubtedly, the higher the profits, the higher are the risks. Before building a crypto  margin trading software ,  one must understand three basic concepts, including the following: 1) Margin loan For the trader to open big g er positions, the crypto exchange is required to loan funds. This creates an opportunity for the exchange operator to earn interest on the funds he loaned to the traders. With this money, the trader is able to trade with money more than he possesses. Thus, it becomes a win-win situation for both the trader and the exchange. 2) Trade leverage Margin trading software allows a trader to create a funds multiplier effect to trade for an amount higher than he possesses. The hig

Why is it the Right Time to Leverage Crypto Derivatives Exchange Development Services | Antier Solutions

In Q1 2020, the traditional stock markets were crashing like there was no bottom. On the contrary, the cryptocurrency derivatives exchange trading volume was soaring. The crypto derivatives exchanges witnessed a 314% increase in trade volumes as compared to an average of all the four quarters of 2019. According to TokenInsight’s Q1 2020 cryptocurrency derivatives exchange industry report, the highest daily trade volume on crypto derivative exchanges touched $62.5 billion. Why did this happen? Derivatives have proven to be  e fficient trading instruments in the traditional markets. This is because they help traders manage the risk and multiply profits. As the crypto markets continue to be volatile, the crypto traders are looking for platforms where they can make profits by minimizing risk and maximizing rewards. The derivatives exchange operators offer traders a platform where they can gain exposure to cryptocurrency in a capital-efficient way. What attracts traders to crypto derivative

DeFi Crypto Lending Platform Development: How is it Redefining Lending? | Antier Solutions

DeFi Crypto Lending Platform Development: How is it Redefining Lending? | Antier Solutions Decentralized Finance or DeFi is the latest innovation in the crypto world. By building on the advantages of blockchain technology, DeFi has transformed the borrowing and lending process.  DeFi crypto lending platform development   eliminates the middlemen and simplifies fund transfer between stakeholders. Problems Associated with the Current Financial Sector Before we dive into the benefits of DeFi lending and borro w ing, it is better to examine the current state of affairs in the financing sector. In a conventional setting, any individual seeking a loan has to overcome a lot of hurdles even before they begin. For example, they might not have a good credit score that qualifies them to access basic financial services. Even those who have the desired credit score are burdened with further documentation and interaction with third-party, which increases the cost, time, and efforts. It should also b

How to Create a Crypto Exchange | Start Your Own Cryptocurrency Exchange | How to Create a Cryptocurrency Exchange Website | Antier Solutions

The number of cryptocurrencies has grown to over 2,300 through 2019, according to CoinMarketCap, and the market has witnessed an incredible increase in the number of crypto investors over the past decade. Earlier, people preferred Bitcoin mining to earn rewards, however, the reduction in block rewards has shifted people’s interest to cryptocurrency exchange development. Businesses and entrepreneurs globally are choosing to create a cryptocurrency exchange platform to enter the crypto market and rake in huge profits. Binance, one of the leading crypto exchange platforms, hit a massive $1 Billion mark in cumulative profit, out of which $183.5 Million was made in Q3 of 2019 alone. The stats reveal that setting up a crypto exchange is a huge opportunity that can be capitalized by crypto enthusiasts looking to start a crypto exchange for revenue generation. If you are planning to make your own cryptocurrency exchange — be it from ground zero or white-label exchange software —

How to achieve Liquidity in your Best White Label Bitcoin Exchange Software

What is liquidity? In general terms, liquidity is the ease with which an asset or security can be converted into cash. Therefore, the concept of liquidity in cryptocurrency signifies that buy and sell orders are matched with each other in the minimum time. Higher the liquidity in an exchange platform, fairer would be the price of cryptocurrency. If you consider any popular crypto exchange such as Binance or Coinbase, one of the main contributors to their success is high liquidity. What do liquidity providers do? Cryptocurrency is volatile – its price may elevate one day and plummet the next day. Market makers or liquidity providers play a crucial role in maintaining stability by improving the trading volume. Choosing the best liquidity provider While you go forward to choose liquidity providers/market makers, make sure that they satisfy the following criteria: * Trustworthiness * Reporting We, at Antier Solutions, offer the best bitcoin exchange

Integration of 2FA into a Best White Label Crypto Exchange

Two-factor Authentication: Significance 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your exchange platform. Cyber-criminals indulge in various social engineering activities and can hack your users’ IDs and passwords with the help of the internet. However, 2FA prevents cyber-criminals from accessing your users’ accounts, thus  providing appropriate measures to safeguard their accounts. A traditional example of 2FA Two-factor authentication has been in practice for a  long time. For example, a bank locker – if you want to operate your bank locker, one key is held with you and another is with the bank. Both the  keys (with you and your bank) are required for you to access the valuables in your account. Working of Two-factor authentication The working is not that complicated, as it may sound. User ID and password will remain the same while signing in to the best white label crypto exchange  or a customized crypto exchange, but only an extra step is required to safeguard t

Start a Crypto Exchange in 2020: 10 Easy Steps

Antier Solutions offers a fully customizable, hosted, and liquidity white label exchange software trading platform. It allows our partners to start a cryptocurrency exchange in just 3 weeks without having to invest in software development and without the need to funnel liquidity into the exchange. If you are wondering  how to create a cryptocurrency exchange  website, this step-by-step explanation will guide you through the process. 10 Easy Steps to Start a Crypto Exchange in 2020. Step 1: Identify the type of exchange you want to launch Step 2: Conduct thorough market research Step 3: Identify the location where you plan to launch your exchange Step 4: Check out the jurisdictions of the country where you intend to launch your exchange Step 5: Hire a team of legal counselors etc. A free consultation is available to discuss your business needs; no obligation, just a friendly chat to work out if we can help. To know complete detailed steps, visit   Star